March, 2020
Our journey together through yoga practice and music has been my ongoing joy. I miss you all terribly. Although the COVID-19 virus has put an end to our practicing and singing side by side, it has also made us realize that we are all in this together. We are ALL in this together!
The uncertainty and our growing concern for family, friends and for those who are most vulnerable has the power to unbalance our lives, make us feel out of control. Yoga practice, research has shown, can reduce stress and anxiety while increasing happiness and our overall quality of life. And music classes can be both energizing and calming, while supporting children's language, social, emotional and physical development.
Everyone has something to offer during this global crisis. Social media is exploding with stories about people helping one another. Scientists are sharing crucial information about the virus across national borders in order to create a vaccine as quickly as possible. My offering is simply to continue to share my love for yoga and music through virtual classes. I hope it will help.